“You not only opened my eyes, but my heart and I am so thankful! You have an incredible gift and talent.” – Christina D.
Experience for yourself how Ginny blends her animal communication skills and unique intuitive abilities to offer an exciting NEW paradigm in equine facilitated healing with the Singing Horse Herd, as they partner with the Divine Wisdom of YOUR HIGHER SELF. Ginny allows the horses to guide the session. She does this through her unique ability to receive and share the ancient wisdom, often referred to as “Horse Medicine.” Traditionally, in equine facilitated healing, horses were facilitated by a human being from a mind/body perspective, and it was based on the movements and physical interactions of the horse and client. Get ready to experience something completely different.
“The herd masterfully guided us through healing experiences spanning soul retrieval, deep level heart integration and importance of SELF care and creativity, to a profound group 6th dimensional aspect release of beliefs and contracts around responsibility to others. I was guided through a powerful expansion of my new normal energetic signature into all aspects of my body, my relationships with people, animals, environment, home and property and out into the world. I know the ripples from this session will continue to integrate and shift in the coming days. Huge hugs and deep gratitude to the herd and Ginny!” – C.G.
This is a recording of a free one-hour workshop offered to demonstrate the power and authenticity of Horse Wisdom when it partners with the Divine Wisdom of your Higher Self:
Retreats are limited to a minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 people – so length will vary between 1 – 1.5 hours depending on the number of participants. Of course, you can also expect to benefit from any individual work with participants; not just through learning and wisdom transmission, but as that same issue is also healed or shifted within you. The herd seems to know exactly which issues the group has in common; that are coming forward to be healed in that retreat.
“My experience with the Singing Horse Herd was deeply profound. The order in which the horses chose to work with us or share a message was clearly intentional and guided by the divine wisdom of the herd. My soul was healing on multiple levels, first through witnessing another participant’s work, then through an incredible unexpected healing in which all our souls had the opportunity to release old limiting beliefs. When the horses shared and supported me, the previous work allowed me to see and heal an issue that I was totally unaware of. This experience will have an everlasting effect on my journey. And while I lack words to describe the song, I could hear the horses singing with my Heart and inner ear. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to participate in a retreat with the SHH.” – E.W.
At the end of the individual and group session work, there will be a time for Q&A and sharing. After payment, you will be emailed the link to schedule your retreat with Ginny.
1 – 1.5 Hours LIVE via Zoom
1st or 3rd Saturday of the month, 11 am PST
*Note: This is a LIVE real-time retreat, not a digital, pre-recorded offering. You participate via Zoom and the horses, Ginny, and other participants are all live and present for the retreat. You will be provided with a video recording of the retreat, within 48 hours after the event.
“What appeared to happen during the first Singing Horse Herd retreat for me – that the horses said a few words and sang to me – has completely changed my entire life. I’ve never felt so alive. The retreat was one of the most important events of my life to this point. But then everything I do with Ginny is like that.
I am so fortunate that I got to witness the others in my group show me what faith, trust, integrity and self-respect are all about. I was present there. What a gift! The experience felt sacred, as if I was in a holy place. I’ve never felt so grateful to Ginny, the others in our group, and to Jini Patel Thompson for bringing us all together with the Singing Horse Herd.
There were six of us in the retreat. When it began, Audelina asked to talk with the first person in our group, and I began to worry that I wouldn’t be able to connect with my heart, or speak openly or clearly if I was called on. (This is a constant fear I have, not unusual for me.) The horses called on two others and their healing experiences were very powerful, and I felt very much a part of it. Even after experiencing these powerful healings, my mind doubted – maybe I wasn’t good enough to do the work with the horses.
I was the sixth person the horses spoke to, and they were dispersed over the land at the time. I was afraid by then, that there was something wrong with me (a very old pattern) and I wouldn’t be included. But then they said they wanted to sing for me, and their singing would bring the retreat to a close. They said, “This is the last time we will sing, and it is for integration and balance, and finding a new normal.” As they were saying this, they asked everyone to create a new grounding cord with a new frequency now that the session was over. Then the horses began to sing. As this was happening I was hoping they’d say something to me thru Ginny, but there was just the empty clear space.
After the retreat was over, an old pattern began reappearing. The “not good enough” pattern. I felt I hadn’t been good enough to be a part of it. I asked myself, “Why do you keep doing this to yourself – doing things where you feel overwhelmed, left out, unseen?” The rest of the day, for about four more hours, I was silent. I didn’t talk to my husband or anyone about this old rotten feeling. And I began to notice my body was reconnecting this old fear pattern that began when I was four. It was this belief – “You don’t know how to do a good enough job.” This came from my family of origin, from my mother’s energy. I didn’t fit into her beliefs of how I should be and act in the world.
When I got into bed that night, the energy totally shifted. Tremendous gratitude poured into me and with it this thought: “There were only six people on Earth – seven, including Ginny – in that retreat and you, Dawn, you got to be there – what an honor and a privilege. You saw and felt and experienced all of it – and that’s not nothing!” And I could see the pattern of doubt and fear like a thick whitish tree trunk in the center of my body with a lot of roots stuck into me – it looked like my childhood trauma. I feel the Singing Horse Herd brought it forward so I can see it, and release it.
And I felt so blessed that I was with everyone there. I am so grateful to have the support of the SHH.” – D.W.
About Ginny
Ginny has studied multiple human and animal energy healing techniques. She is an intuitive animal communicator, clairvoyant, and energy medicine practitioner. She has chosen to combine all of this knowledge, in partnership with horses, to offer a unique healing program for the benefit of both humans and animals alike.
For several years, Ginny eagerly immersed herself in the indigenous teachings of the late Benny LeBeau, also known as Rainbow Thunder Heart or “Bavado Tatun Corazon” and traveled with Bavado to study our sacred relationship with all life from his many medicine wheel ceremonies and lectures celebrated across the world. After Bavado’s death, Ginny continued her shamanic studies with a Mayan Elder, Grandmother Flordemayo, and Jan Engles-Smith of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism. Ginny first traveled to Australia in 2014, and was introduced to the healing paradigm and LORE of the Aboriginal people. She continues studying Aboriginal Healing and LORE today with Steve Richards, a native Aboriginal-Australian.
Ginny is also a Certified Bio-Well Practitioner (trained by Dr. Tiffany Barsotti), Certified Heart Math Facilitator, and has studied with world renowned healers such as Dr. V. Vernon Woolf (Holodynamics), Georgina Cannon (Regression and Spirit Release), Julie Renee Doering (Quantum Healing), Isa Gucciardi (Buddhism, Spirituality & Meditative Techniques), Michael J. Tamura (Clairvoyance, Spiritual & Psychic Development), Andrew Holecek (Death and Dying, The Bardo Teachings: Tibetan Book of the Dead), Dr. Paul Mills and Dr. Tiffany Barsotti (Personal Self Integration), GW Hardin (A Course in Wonders III), Donna Eden (Eden Energy Medicine), Roger Ford (Holistic Healing III), Carolyn Myss, Robert Ohotto (Archetypes & the Empathic Soul), Dr. Bradley Nelson (EFT), and various other alternative healing modalities.
“You are a wonderful human and special soul who gives profound unconditional love. The animals that know you are blessed and they leave you with their own blessings.” – Margrit Coates, Author and Animal Advocate, UK
Agreement 😉
By attending a retreat with the Singing Horse Herd, as sanctioned by their guardian, Jini Patel Thompson, I acknowledge that I am entering into an ethical agreement with them. According to this agreement, I understand that – in addition to these Listen To Your Horse workshops/sessions – I am only to seek information or communication directly with the Singing Horse Herd. Any further or ongoing communication will come directly to me, and not through any psychics, animal communicators, or other energy practitioners that claim to be able to connect and speak with the Herd.
I understand that the Singing Horse Herd will only connect and speak with me directly, or via a practitioner that has been sanctioned by their guardian, Jini Patel Thompson. I acknowledge that any information obtained through any other channel will be incorrect, as those people do not have permission to access the Singing Horse Herd.
Ginny Jablonski
Ginny has studied multiple human and animal energy healing techniques. She is an intuitive animal communicator, clairvoyant, and energy medicine practitioner. She has chosen to combine all of this knowledge, in partnership with horses, to offer a unique healing program for the benefit of both humans and animals alike.
She is a Certified Bio-Well Practitioner, Certified Heart Math Facilitator, and has studied with world renowned healers such as Dr. V. Vernon Woolf (Holodynamics), Georgina Cannon (Regression and Spirit Release), Julie Renee Doering (Quantum Healing), Michael J. Tamura (Clairvoyance, Spiritual & Psychic Development), Donna Eden (Eden Energy Medicine), Robert Ohotto (Archetypes & the Empathic Soul), Dr. Bradley Nelson (EFT), and numerous others. See the ABOUT GINNY section for her full bio.