A Deeper Look: Origins, Home, Legacy

If you enjoyed the last interview with me for the podcast Interspecies Evolution and wanted to know more…

Oriane Lee Johnston (author of The Geography of Belonging) picks up where Ginny left off and asks me even more exploratory questions that she organized into 3 categories: Origins | Home & Belonging | Legacy as she sits outside at the Healing with Horses ranch in Zimbabwe. I mean, just look at these gorgeous horses on this beautiful piece of earth in Mother Africa:

Oriane asks me a lot of questions about my childhood and family, first in Kenya, then the U.S., and then in Canada. We also discuss how my gut/spiritual guidance works and why I make the claim that my guidance has never been wrong.

And we talked about how I painted Zorra five years before I knew she existed:

We timed this one so Oriane could be outside, first thing in the morning (get ready for a surprise visitor), and I’m at the Singing Horse Ranch, late at night!

If you prefer to listen to this as an audio, come on over to my JINI Podcast.

A Deeper Look: Origins, Home, Legacy

4 thoughts on “A Deeper Look: Origins, Home, Legacy

  • April 30, 2023 at 2:38 am

    Exquisite interview.
    It just gets better and better, particularly with the two of you.
    So much to savour and percolate on.

    The elephant in the painting you’ve done doesn’t appear angry to me. Maybe not exactly relaxed, but at peace in some way. I remember your story and recollection as a child in Kenya. I don’t know why, but the depiction is not anger, to me.

    Also, Canada very much has a culture. It’s one under siege.. Much like some regions of Europe that have been under repeated turmoil, but there is definitely a culture. Part of its more recent culture has to do with big brother USA to the south. More about that another time.

    Can relate to your being drawn to horses from a young age. Agree about the book’s new cover.

    Inspirational and bountiful connection between the two of you.. Grateful.

    • April 30, 2023 at 9:36 pm

      Awww thanks hon! I was just so thrilled every time the little duiker made an appearance! And I agree, I don’t feel anger from the elephant either – just raw power and boundary setting.

      I feel like rural/small towns in Canada have a culture. But the cities… not so much. I would love to hear you describe what Canadian culture is though….

  • May 2, 2023 at 4:21 am

    Yeah, the cities can be more like a conglomerate. I’ll ponder a bit more on Canadian culture. There used to be an inclusivity, depending on the area. Some places it was more of a politeness.

    There’s a core that many seem to overlook or take for granted.

    Have you ever experienced a relationship where the courtesy and or respect never entirely leaves, even in the face of straightforward honesty? It’s more than politeness, it’s deeper.

    Of course there are definitely regional variations.

    It’s something I’ve experienced from a variety of Canadians, including some of the various First Nations I’ve encountered. Anyway, I’ll consider it more.

    • May 5, 2023 at 6:24 pm

      Yes, totally agree with this:

      “where the courtesy and or respect never entirely leaves, even in the face of straightforward honesty? It’s more than politeness, it’s deeper.”

      Canadians (not referring to the big cities) will not pretend to agree with you, but they will not attack you for your position. You are allowed your story, it is given space to stand.


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