Being in a 3D physical world, we tend to focus our efforts in the physical realm – it’s what grabs our attention, or feels more real, or important. BUT the horses and Gaia remind us of the tremendous impact we can have working at the energetic/vibrational level of reality.
Join us for this recent livestream with the herd as we do a deep dive into frequencies and vibrational reality – and what does ACTIVE surrender look/feel like?
Remember if you want to be notified when we go LIVE, subscribe to my YouTube channel, then click on the Bell icon for ALL NOTIFICATIONS. It’s not enough to just subscribe – you also have to select “all notifications”
The products I mentioned in the vid are MultiAbsorb – Daily Essential and Immune Booster.
And QuikPlus minerals – atom-sized so don’t require digestion, can absorb through the lining of your mouth.
They are the bedrock of health – along with Natren probiotics!
Read the JINI SAYS on each product for more info on each.
Jini Patel Thompson is a natural health writer and Lazer Tapping instructor. She began riding at age 2 in Kenya, and got her first horse at age 8 in Alberta, and so continues a life-long journey and love affair with these amazing creatures.
I agree with so much of what you have said. We should not be told what we can and can not do with our bodies. I know some feel this is for a greater good but I disagree. You can not poison a body to health. We all are just energy and you know I believe it’s all connected. I have also had many times throughout my life where I was down and in a very dark space. But I draw on this over and over again and it also helps me appreciate the good beautiful times in life which have been very fluid lately! In regards to Covid I still wonder if you have looked into terrain theory yet? They say over and over again there has never been a virus identified or proven? They also believe all toxins/bacteria are created by the body because of what food we put in our body , air we breathe and the products we use on our bodies/skin and in our homes! So they don’t believe in contagion of any kind. They also believe that parasites are beneficial because they are only there to feed on the toxins the body has created and when that’s gone there gone. The part they don’t seem to want to acknowledge is the energy and the connection it plays in all of us?
I am personally still on the fence on some of this but am leaning towards believing in the majority of it! I know this is LTYH but you mentioned Covid so I am feeling you might believe in it?
YEP, absolutely. I’m going to get into a lot more of this stuff in my new site I’m working on (hoping to have it up in the next few weeks at: ) – where I won’t need to be so concerned about censorship 😉
SO much more I could say, and I will… but for now I’ll just leave it there. Dr. Zach Bush has some great stuff out there – he’s easy to find in podcasts and on YouTube. He’s looking at the big, holistic picture.
I am curious…so Thai blog is censored? I know FB is a political nightmare but figured your LTYH site was yours?
Just curious?
No I’m not worried about this blog, but I don’t think this is the place to go in-depth on any of these issues. I’ve had to be VERY careful on my health blog as so many have been censored and shut down. The whole ‘alternative health’ category has been censored by Google itself. My health site used to show up on page 1 of Google for many of my topics/search terms. Last time I checked, I hit page 12 and my site still didn’t show up. So then that means the people that need my help can’t even find me. I have no idea how they decide who to censor heavily and who to leave alone – like so much these last two years, there’s nothing logical about it!
Ok that’s what I thought & I completely agree…not the correct forum!
Appreciate the explanation and bummed to hear about your health site!
Sending perseverance to you and all the so needed information you put out into the world! ✌🏼💚🐴
Thanks Michelle! Your vibration/frequency is an important part of the work we do, so thank you for holding space and intention xox