One thing I’ve learned from trailering these formerly wild, empowered horses multiple times over the last 8 years… is it ain’t never about the trailer! Because trailer loading is a highly charged, agenda-driven space and these spiritual masters in horse form are not about to let such a prime opportunity for teaching pass by unheeded.
In the session with Ginny, she worked with all three of our energy fields (Kaliah, Ian, me). Kaliah had some soul-level trauma from incarnating in this life. And then a past life with Kaliah and I came forward for resolution (Ian was also in that life).
Amazingly, it was the same life a psychic had seen a couple of months prior, and at that time, I had focused on resolving the relationship between Ian and I. Now, it was time to resolve the unfinished business between Kaliah and I from that same lifetime.
It was a very important session of clearing and resolving for all three of us – and I can’t imagine how it would have happened other than by Kaliah creating this trailer-induced pressure cooker!
Thanks to my husband Ian (we’ve been married 28 years so he’s used to me by now!) for being willing to share this story, along with his emotions and struggle. It’s a humdinger of a teaching/process and there’s more to come… click here for Part 2…
Jini Patel Thompson is a natural health writer and Lazer Tapping instructor. She began riding at age 2 in Kenya, and got her first horse at age 8 in Alberta, and so continues a life-long journey and love affair with these amazing creatures.
Thanks, yet again for sharing so many aspects of your journey. It’s usually very illuminating and instructive. Grateful to all involved in this posting.
You’re welcome Dee! I’m fortunate my family agrees to share and be filmed 🙂
Absolutely enthralled with this exploration of learning! Ian is remarkable in his capacity to stay in it and try and stay open to the process and the gifts of healing and empowerment of energy expectations and human emotions! Your family dynamics are real and riveting to witness!
Looking forward to part 2
Jini thanks to you and to your family to put out into the world the vulnerability and transparency!
Yes that’s the great thing – over 28 years no matter how tough it gets, he may yell and scream a lot, but he always leans in. I’m blessed.
And thanks so much for your lovely comment, I will pass it on to him as he was feeling a bit unsure about the vid. How is everything in your world? And are you still thinking of moving? xox
I have always been an admirer of Ian! You havent shared a lot of him on the blog through the years but when you have it’s been truly special! Like the Falcon experience!
Anyway life is so good here! My manifesting of like minded friends that lived close enough to interact with has came to fruition! Met them through hooves…how perfect is that! I also did some deep diving into the healing and evolving that I needed about friendships! Expectations were a big issue for me and I needed to figure that part out before the universe knew I was ready to gift me with these new friends! It never ceases to amaze me how when you do the work the gifts follow! Jini you are a big part of this evolution for me and although I am not as active on the blog as I use to be I still think of you and speak of you and what I have learned from you often! I feel so fortunate to have had your support and awareness in such a lovely way!
At this time moving is not on the agenda! As you probably know California had a good winter and the wildfires have been very minimal this year due to increased resources to put them out! So the smoke has been minimal compared to previous years! Also my son bought the house and ten acres directly next door so he and my grandson and now a new incredible girl and her son have come into our lives and all live next door! She is even horsey and very woo woo aka open minded about life! So that has also been a huge gift to our family! Life is very very delicious! ✌🏼💚🐴
Hi Michelle, well no one is as active on the blog as they used to be. Not sure why… maybe social media has taken over? My YouTube channel now has WAY more sharing and discussion than this blog – never thought I’d see that!
But anyway, SO GOOD to hear your life is flowing and feeling awesome! How great is that?? And honestly, you’ve just kept leaning in and leaning in, et voila 🙂
I’m just so pleased to hear you’re rockin it on all fronts – family, friends, horses. Truly Michelle, I could not be more pleased for you. Hopefully some of it rubs off on me!
I’m still wading through mud here. Being apart from Ian for 18 months has been very difficult for both of us, and our businesses. Managing this property on my own – with my challenging/difficult son here with me – and pretty much everything breaking and needing to be replaced one after the other. Oy vey.
On the good side, I have met some really great people here and the community is amazing. I’m starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. And at least all the horses and sheep have been healthy. I’ve got things set up so I can go to Mexico for Dec/Jan with Ian – as long as our psycho PM doesn’t lock us up again – so that will be good.
AND so glad to hear Cali has balanced out a bit! San Luis Obispo is still my ideal location to have a ranch – beautiful climate and land. So who knows what the future may hold?
Oh and the reason I haven’t shared much with Ian is because he’s not out with the horses much. They’ve always scared him and he says he just doesn’t enjoy being around animals who could run him over. But Aude and Kaliah have had other plans for him LOL.
Sending you and your whole family big hugs Michelle xox
Gotta say I find the tango music hilarious! Love it, this dance of life we’re in.
Bless you and the herd Jini for sharing your beautiful work. You have ushered many folks through rough times with your (divine) online presence, I’m sure way more than you know.
Zara and Ian rock, participating full on as they are able, hanging in for the gestalt. BRAVO! For showing us how. You’re a brave man Ian, teaching your kids (and us) by doing.
Love you all,
Linda Andersen
Awww thanks so much Linda! And so sorry for the delayed reply – a bunch of comments got thrown into Spam so very glad I checked!
And exactly, this dance of life, so true. Big hugs heading back to you xox