Mushroom Hunting & Land Listening

Join me at the Singing Horse Ranch as we go out to commune with the land – what does it want to show us, or communicate today?

Let’s connect with fungi and explore her role in this ecosystem and how to receive the healing she offers freely.

AND I need your help! I’ve been publishing my posts and videos on Land Listening, nature, and broader animal communication on my other new site:

The reason I’ve done this is because they’re not mainly about horses. However I am now second-guessing myself and wondering if most of you are interested in those topics/relationships anyway, and so would like me to also publish them here on this blog and LTYH YouTube channel?

Today’s video is a perfect example of what I mean:

So what do you think? Let me know if you want me to keep LTYH strictly about horses, or if you’d like to see this Land Listening content too!

Drop me a comment or feedback down below… Thanks!

Mushroom Hunting & Land Listening

14 thoughts on “Mushroom Hunting & Land Listening

  • February 5, 2023 at 3:09 pm

    Hey Jini,
    Thankyou for the beautiful vid.
    As everything is connected having land listening with horse stuff would be great.
    You will know the best with it all I’m certain.
    I have been learning to clear alot of trauma from the land where I am, its connected with the indigenous people that used to live here. Its been very interesting seeing who shows up.
    I am learning to listen more deeply.
    Thanks again for your sharings.
    Much love from Erin in Aus💙

    • February 5, 2023 at 4:55 pm

      That’s wonderful Erin. And thanks for the feedback! xo

  • February 6, 2023 at 1:53 am

    I loved this so much, it moved me deeply and I had tears of joy by the end. I would love to see more like this whether here or elsewhere, wherever you feel pulled to share. Thank you for all you do, blessings from Narel in Australia x

    • February 6, 2023 at 1:47 pm

      How wonderful Narel 🙂 I got a LOT of feedback on the YouTube channel asking me to post these as part of Listen To Your Horse, so looks like that’s the preferred direction. Namaste sister.

  • February 6, 2023 at 3:59 am

    That was deeply moving, my heart and soul was there. It left me with a deep longing.
    I’d love to see more.
    Much love from North Yorkshire in 🇬🇧

    • February 6, 2023 at 1:49 pm

      Ah that’s great Anne! I will definitely be sharing more – Spring is on the way and I’m so excited to see what’s naturally growing where. And to share my plans/ideas for this spring/summer. I’ll be posting all on here. And looks like you’ve got a lovely patch in North Yorkshire as well – happy horses! xo

  • February 6, 2023 at 5:17 pm

    Hi! Loved this and all your postings. I think it could all be on the ltyh site, as it all falls under growth and esoteric knowledge. Love your land, your herd, your horse products and your knowledge and experience. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself, wins and. Vulnerabilities too!

    • February 6, 2023 at 7:40 pm

      Awww thanks Tina! And glad your horses are liking the supplements 🙂

  • February 8, 2023 at 1:19 am

    What a bliss, thank you so much. I’m also looking forward to what adventures and treasures spring brings over there, and how the waterhole evolves. And, how you perceive the horse’s communication with the land.
    Our old mare, Geisla going on 38, has had many foals, and she and her son somehow showed me the way their hooves do like grounding work with the earth in every step they take.
    A small bit of land listening of my own; we have a small ranch here in the south of Finland, and I was thinking to myself one day a few years back that I’d like something diuretic, and the next day I realized we have a beautiful linden tree on our land. It’s a smaller kind of forest linden that grows over here, but the flowers make a really good diuretic tea, gets the metabolism and immune system activated as well, used as medicine for long times here, also for colds and some sort of shamanistic trips, I believe.
    On another note, in “Predators in a Snowstorm”, you talk about how the bear cloak:es its energy. We have a two year old laika-dog, Nada, the laikas have been hunting in the arctic areas for thousands of years. She enjoys playing with this cloak:ing of her energy, she can be just like a soft, soft sense in the air if even that, and then when she suddenly is right by your side, she is full with happiness, softness and love. I think she did this more when she was a bit younger, maybe some sort of puppy-training? But I also think this shape-shifting capacity is quite strong in her, like in our lead mare as well. And Nada of course, means ‘nothing’. And she has a ying&yang mark on her head. Not the easiest to catch on camera though!

    • February 12, 2023 at 10:29 pm

      Wow that linden tree sounds like a very interesting medicine – wonder how the shamanic trip part comes into play? Maybe hold the flowers in your hand while you meditate and ask her.

      I wonder if all good predators know how to cloak… it makes sense now that I think about it!

      • February 13, 2023 at 5:30 am

        Yes, that makes sense! I didn’t really realise that was what Nada does until you talked about it in the video. I just called it her bird&love&air-mode.

        I didn’t consult linden herself yet, but I did talk to my friend who specializes in mythology. Linden or lime tree is a holy tree in for instance the Keltic, ancient Greek and Siberian shaman cultures, it’s associated with feminine grace as well as with the mother of the centaur Chiron.

        Here’s a quote from Walker, Barbara: The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects: “Ancient Scythian sorcerers regarded the linden tree as the source of their prophetic insight. To consult spirits concerning future events, they would go to the linden tree and twine its leaves around their fingers.”

        So lovely trees…

        And the great fir trees that grow where the barn faces east… I often do a morning meditation by them, today I had an ordeal to go through and was standing with my back close to one of them, and she sent me so much energy though by back, it lasted the whole day, really gave a meaning to “I’ve got your back”.

        • February 13, 2023 at 8:24 pm

          That’s hilarious – they twined the leaves around their fingers… and I suggested you hold the flower in your hand. Must be something about a hand-interface with this tree. So I googled it to look at some pictures of Linden Tree – and now I’m wondering it that’s what the mystery tree at the ranch is?

          This picture shows the horses favorite tree to meditate under (the biggest tree on the left hand side, behind the horses lying down. And I ask everyone who comes to the ranch if they know what tree it is, but no one does. I will have to see what the flower blossoms look like in spring, and then I’ll know for sure.

          I’m having another interesting tree conversation with Leanne from Australia over on my other blog – you might enjoy it:

          • February 14, 2023 at 7:47 am

            Yes, your intuition was spot on!!!

            Could be a linden at the heart of the ranch, yes, it’ll be exiting when she reveals her identity. They can grow up to 800 years old. And if it is, you’re in for a real treat, linden flower tea is delicious and really boosts the metabolism and the immune system, and acts as a diuretic drink as well. The flowers are usually ready for harvesting in the mid of summer up here.

            Thank you for the link, I’m still a bit baffled by the communication with these trees and this forest, I didn’t imagine I would have this kind of exchange with them.

            • February 14, 2023 at 11:32 am

              I didn’t imagine I’d be having vibrational/toning conversations with bees! LOL Amazing what happens when we are willing to listen to all of life 🙂


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