My son, Hugo, has a freestyle football channel on YouTube and he thought it would be fun to do some footie tricks around the horses. Here’s his vid of the afternoon – there are some funny parts in it, and it was very sweet to see the boys with the herd:
Here’s something very interesting: As you can see in the video, the horses were completely unconcerned with Hugo kicking the ball – even right next to them. However, when I handled the ball, they moved warily away from me! These guys are masters at reading body language and there was no doubt in their minds about who was trustworthy with that ball 🙂
Jini Patel Thompson is a natural health writer and Lazer Tapping instructor. She began riding at age 2 in Kenya, and got her first horse at age 8 in Alberta, and so continues a life-long journey and love affair with these amazing creatures.
OMG….or should I say ..OH MY DAYS….(love that) your son is so freaking cool and pretty darn talented with his soccer ball. He has such a fun spirit and I loved his discription of Montaro to his friend. One of the things I kept thinking is how many calories he is burning while practicing. All kids should have such a great physical activity to keep them healthy and it obviously keeps his mind developing too…to be able to have such amazing coordination. Tell him “What’s Up” for me and I will be looking forward to him being the next David Beckham. I have always been thankful my son had a passion for motorcycles. I truly believe they kept him from going down the wrong paths. He has always been a great kid and his passion drives him. This is a pic of the first brand new motorcycle he bought himself. He has had so many but this one was brand new and he was so proud of himself.✌🏼❤️🐴
Where’s the pic? Did you have troubles uploading? I will definitely pass on your message to Hugo! His dream is to play Premier League soccer. He is off to the Wolverhampton team academy in the UK next week and he has played in Belgium, Sweden, the States and UK before, so he’s certainly giving it his best shot! We will see what the universe has in store for this little/big energy ball! And YES I certainly agree that a strong passion really helps keep them out of all the negative pursuits of the teen world – which social media has magnetized even further. Gah.
Here’s the pic
Michelle your picture didn’t come through – so just testing if the photo upload function works…
Lol I love this! Love the calmness in your horses even with Hugo’s high energy and noisy soccer ball. What a cute happy and charming son you have! You go Hugo! =-)
Awww thanks Deb! And yes, it is remarkable how calm they were around him, but honestly, they are not that calm when I have the ball 🙂