How to Tie a Slipknot on a Haynet

We recently had to switch out some of our metal grate slowfeeders for haynets and I realized that most of my barn help didn’t know how to tie a slipknot. I went on YouTube to find them a tutorial video and couldn’t find anything I liked. So… here we go!

In this video I show you how to tie a slipknot for your haynet and then secure it at both ends. And then how to daisy-chain a series of slipknots, if you need to make your rope shorter.

Lastly, I then teach Juliet how to tie slipknots – so by the end of it, you should actually be able to go out and do this!

Don’t be discouraged if it takes a while for your brain to be able to do this without watching the video each time! Even though it’s a super simple knot, when I first learned it, my brain kept glitching and it took quite a while for it to finally click into place and become easy. Don’t give up!

Note: After six years of no teeth issues using 4″x4″ metal grates on my slowfeeders, two of the horses are now showing tooth damage – Aude and Posa. Perhaps because I switched this year to heavy duty steel (as they were frequently bending/breaking the lighter steel)?

Regardless, I am now in the process of switching to mostly haynets (and hoping that then doesn’t damage their gums!) along with a few brand-new ideas I brainstormed with my folks, to see if I can come up with something even better.

Of course, I will document how I make each experimental feeder and also whether it works, and let y’all know!

How to Tie a Slipknot on a Haynet

2 thoughts on “How to Tie a Slipknot on a Haynet

  • March 28, 2021 at 10:41 am

    Gini you can also simply knot the tie rope and shove inside the bag. Then use your clip on the top itself (a the knotted part). This way there is no risk of your horse becoming tangled in the rope. I helped Handy Hay Nets with her startup and how to videos and used hay bags for 4.5 years with my own and others horses so I’ve seen it all 🙂

    • March 28, 2021 at 6:22 pm

      Yes I’ve shown them that repeatedly, but it seems beyond their capability! Youth! LOL


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