What?? You have a Horse Herb & Supplement Shoppe?!

I talked to a horse listener who’s been following the herd for years and she had no idea we had an LTYH Shoppe with the best natural supplements for equines, in both Canada and the U.S., so obviously I haven’t been sharing enough!

I also just added a whole bunch of amazing new products to the USA LTYH Shoppe: 3 different probiotics/prebiotics, awesome blends for joints, ligaments, tendons in powder or pellet form. Immune system boosters and specialized single supplements like Devil’s claw, MSM, liquid Silica and B-Complex Vitamins.

Come have a look and be sure and check out the JINI SAYS tab on each product for my advice and recommendations.

Remember that it’s super important (especially for colic prevention) to follow any antibiotics, drug wormers, or Bute with PROBIOTICS. All these drugs destroy the beneficial flora in the gut, so you want to replace it with probiotic supplementation (good bacteria) for at least 3 months following.

ALSO, I have added a bulk organic dried herbs section to both the USA and Canada Shoppe. These are just referral links to Mountain Rose Herbs in Oregon, but I have curated the list specifically for horses (and what I feed the Singing Horse herd) along with information on the uses of each herb. Scroll down and my herb blend recipes are at the bottom 🙂

Yes, you will get hit with customs getting the herbs into Canada, but the customs fees make it comparable, or still slightly cheaper, than buying from a Canadian herb supplier (who is importing from the U.S. anyway). BUT remember that all the regular supplements in our Canada LTYH Shoppe are FREE SHIPPING Canada-wide.

Likewise in our US LTYH Shoppe, all supplements are also Free Shipping in the Continental USA. If you’re ordering from the UK or Alaska, Hawaii, etc we’ll give you a shipping quote first AND we’ll also credit you the cost of regular USA shipping.

Our top sellers so far in the US are Respire and HighPoint Daily Nutrients in powder form.

In Canada, people are pretty crazy for the Organic, cold-pressed flax oil (my herd is pretty crazy for it too!) and the Wild oregano + eBook package.

We don’t have a lot of products in the Canada Shoppe because I’ve been unable to find supplement formulations that I like (I’m very picky). If you currently use an equine supplement in Canada that you think is great, please let me know and I’ll check it out.

I’d love to have your feedback on the Shoppe and also if anything is confusing, or not clear, please let me know!

Click here for the USA LTYH SHOPPE

And click here for the CANADA LTYH SHOPPE

What?? You have a Horse Herb & Supplement Shoppe?!

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