Wild Oregano Heals Horse’s Intense Bug Allergy & Itching

When I received this email from one of our horse listeners, Andrea Dekker, I immediately asked to share it with y’all. Not just because it’s so FABULOUS that this poor, tortured horse gained complete relief from his severe itching and insect bite reactions, but also, because the evolution of their relationship is so beautiful. You’ll see what I mean, here’s the story…

“I need to tell you something. My Barrett has a pretty severe allergy to bug bites. Picture so much rubbing that all fly sheets and head gear get shredded and lost in fields within hours, all hair on face is removed. Raw, crusty, bloody skin on entire stomach, sheath and inside hind legs.

At dusk you can find Barrett rubbing frantically on tree stumps and posts; running wildly up and down the hill between wind gusts and the run-in, to try and shake the cloud of flies and mosquitoes.

For 4 months each year we battle. We fly spray, we fly sheet(s), we bathe in assorted stuff, we get prescription medication and we have vet visits. Enter “Listen to Your Horse” and oil of oregano. Last summer I started to follow your videos on YouTube and read articles on your blog. I learned about the healing and bug repellent properties of oil of oregano. I thought, “What the hell. Let’s give it a go.” I admit, I was a bit inconsistent in the application last summer (probably because I didn’t have faith – shame on me), but I can say this: The dermal nastiness and recovery time was less.

And – AND – in just two days, I turned this year’s Armageddon around BEFORE it really got off the ground. I concocted the recommended 1:10 ratio of oil of oregano and olive oil and I can say with 100% certainty it works and it’s helping. The flies go away, the itch goes away, the crusty, scabby skin improves in record time, the frantic rubbing and running behaviour – gone. In fact, it looks like it works so well, that a once-a-day treatment is enough. Barrett is calm. And – AND – we have the added side benefit of improving our relationship.

I present the bottle and my oregano-oil covered hands to him in request and he sets his head in my hands – he is not a fan of head touching or head constraint as a rule. Then he moves around me, carefully positioning himself in a manner that communicates where the worst spots are in need of treatment. He squats and lifts a hind leg, so I can really get ‘in there’ – I do not want to know what the neighbours think. He sighs in appreciation and relief and we experience a mutual appreciation and understanding.

I am working on our relationship – our connectivity and trust – and helping him to feel better is an integral part of that interrelationship. We have a long way to go, but I’m grateful to know that something as simple as oil of oregano can create a link and some lovely moments.

I wish I had before and after pictures. Because I’ve been rubbing the oil on regularly this week, there’s nothing to see.”

HOW AWESOME IS THAT??! Emails like this make me so very happy 🙂

Here again is my video showing you all the ways I use wild oregano oil with my horses and dogs:

*Note: When you’re making the wild oregano and zinc oxide paste (as shown in the video), you should use regular commercial wild oregano (NOT essential oil) if applying to coat or hooves.

But if using on a sensitive area like the udder, sheath, underside of tail, perianal area, etc. then you must first dilute the wild oregano further to at least a 7:1 dilution (see my free eBook for dilution instructions). Then mix the diluted wild oregano with zinc oxide.

Use a 10:1 dilution if the area is super sensitive or painful (that’s the dilution used on babies skin). Again, instructions are in the eBook. AND…

We now have wild oregano in the LTYH Shoppe! So click here if you’re in the USA or International.

And click here to purchase wild oregano oil in Canada.

We offer FREE SHIPPING in both Shoppes, and while you’re there, check out the other 100% natural supplements, healthy anti-inflammatory oils, and dried organic herbs we have!

p.s. Be sure to check out the JINI SAYS tab on each product in the Shoppe for my personal tips and recommendations.

Wild Oregano Heals Horse’s Intense Bug Allergy & Itching

11 thoughts on “Wild Oregano Heals Horse’s Intense Bug Allergy & Itching

  • June 20, 2021 at 6:51 pm

    Have you had any issues with the oil being on the hair? With bare skin I’m comfortable putting oil on it, but on hair I tend not to. Thanks!

    • June 20, 2021 at 11:25 pm

      On the hair of horses? No, none. It’s in a base of olive oil which is very good for their hair. When using on human hair, in a lice treatment, it makes the hair super oily and you actually need DE to absorb and get it out.

  • July 3, 2021 at 1:08 pm

    Hi Jini,
    I’m in the UK & am trying to find a suitable brand of wild oregano oil. I have found what it says is 100% natural, pure undiluted & steam distilled sourced from the Himalayas, with 92% carvacrol. It doesn’t say it is essential oil but can I mix it with olive oil to get the required dilution or do I need to carry on looking? Thanks.

    • July 3, 2021 at 2:57 pm

      Can you post a link to the product and I’ll take a look?

        • July 4, 2021 at 12:10 am

          Okay, so YES that product looks good. BUT it is ESSENTIAL oil. So to get it to the place of a commercial brand (which is what I use and my formulas refer to) you need to first dilute this essential oil with 4:1 organic olive oil. So that would be 4 parts olive oil to 1 part essential oil of oregano. Store this in a dark glass bottle.

          Once you have your ‘commercial’ formula prepared, then go ahead and follow the instructions in my eBook or video for how to dilute further for various uses/applications.

          Does that make sense? If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

          • July 4, 2021 at 6:11 am

            Yes that makes sense, thank you!

  • November 20, 2022 at 7:47 pm

    My horses have been fighting what we call sweet itch from the bugs for years. Have tried everything when I found article about oil of oregano. I already had some n new its benefits for staph infections so gave it a try. It has been amazing. I mix it with coconut oil which is in most hair products n the oil keeps bugs off. Horses don’t mind the smell like fly spray has. U should try it. Cheaper then amy product I have purchased.

    • November 20, 2022 at 7:58 pm

      Oh fantastic Tanya – so great to hear!

  • December 4, 2022 at 7:25 pm

    Do you ever use the diluted oil internally? I have heard from a few people in the uk that have fed it with success in helping fecal water syndrome. They sell a product they are but don’t ship to the US and a couple of Google searches later I found your site 😊

    • December 4, 2022 at 7:35 pm

      Yes, some of my horses will take it by mouth – they ask for it and I squirt a dropperful in. Once my mare Audelina asked for 6 dropperfuls! Then she also asked for Neem leaf, so pretty sure she was killing off some nasties.


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