Christmas & New Year 2021 Message from Singing Horse Herd

A gift from the Singing Horse herd to all of you this Christmas and as we head into 2021…

One of the meditations I do to connect with Montaro while he’s up at Kesia’s – or even with the herd when I’m not at the barn – is to watch a lit candle while I focus on my breath. I will usually bring Divine light in through the top of my head and run it down my body, opening and swirling around my organs, joints and chakras along the way, then out the soles of my feet into Mother Earth.

Once I am centered and still, I imagine a circle around me, and I invite the herd or a particular horse(s) to join me inside the circle. Often by the time I reach this point, the horses that want to connect with me are already waiting at the edge of the circle.

I have had at least a hundred emails and messages from people all over the world sharing how the horses have shown up in their meditations, dreams, or during sessions (for those that are healing facilitators).

So know that when you meditate (or do whatever leads you to connection with Source, Truth, Divine, etc) you can always invite the herd, or a particular horse, to join you. They are not bound by time/space – and neither are we 😉

Here are some of the guided meditations available here on LTYH – enjoy!

Guided Healing Meditation in the Big Barn

You Are Not Alone – Guided Connection with Tree & Horses

Meditation vs. Mindfulness with Horses

LTYH Podcast: Ways to Meditate with your Horse & Why you Should

Horse Connection Chakra Meditation calls in 7 Eagles!

Makah-Mahpee Asks: Why Aren’t You Using Me to Help You?


Christmas & New Year 2021 Message from Singing Horse Herd

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