Undiscovered Power – Poem from Kaliah

If you’ve been following the Empowered Mustang series, then you already know who Kaliah is:

Kaliah with her foal Xadaa

But what you may not know about Kaliah, is that her inspiration (for me) comes in the form of poetry! I’ve never been a massive fan of poetry to be honest – although I’ve written plenty of song lyrics – but what I do get really jazzed about is the music, images and artistry that poetry inspires.

Without further ado, I’d like to share the first Kaliah-inspired poem/dance/music with you:

And yes, those are my two kids dancing – filmed during our New Year’s trip to Akumal Bay Resort, Mexico, in the gorgeous beachfront yoga studio. Both kids attend a Fine Arts school where they dance, and my daughter Zara is also a competitive gymnast. Aren’t I lucky to have such talent at my fingertips? 🙂

Undiscovered Power

You say that I’m frightening
yet you behold me with love
Deep in your veins throbs an answering rhythm
a cadence of heat
a gathering momentum

Perhaps I’m so intrepid
because I reflect back your undiscovered depth
In the black of my reflecting pool
you discover your own depth

Like the vastness of a starry night
the eye travels on forever
into the inky darkness
surrounded by explosions of light

Like a cyclone gathering speed
through a tunnel of discontent
Bursting finally upon the landscape of its expression
Wreaking rushing cleaning blasting devastation along its path

And then comes the freshness of renewal
as the old debris is cleared
to make way for the rebirth of you
the manifestation of your whirlwind
The maelstrom of your undiscovered power
Rise! sister

(c) 2020 Jini Patel Thompson. Caramal Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

p.s. The music was composed specifically for this poem by the lovely Jenny Andrews – you might remember her from this video when Montaro initiated her into the herd.

And a big thank-you to Kenneth Berentzen for the awesome slow-mo footage!

Undiscovered Power – Poem from Kaliah

12 thoughts on “Undiscovered Power – Poem from Kaliah

  • January 12, 2020 at 12:19 am

    I’m moved so deeply by this post and your previous one Jini that I am at a loss for words. I feel a deep echoing within and a knowing of a time approaching that is perhaps a little overdue…..my herd waits.

    Much love

    • January 12, 2020 at 3:03 am

      Oh Jini and Kalia! words can’t describe the power and depth of this poem.
      I especially love the last shot of Kalia touching your hand with her nose then she looks at you! Just beautiful! Thankyou.
      Erin 🌳🐎

    • January 13, 2020 at 12:20 am

      Well that sounds very cool Tamara… and ripe with promise… please keep us posted! Giant hugs back to you and your herd xox

  • January 12, 2020 at 4:49 am

    Hi Jini,
    In a recent post, you said: “That’s right!” I exclaimed, “Because I’m done with trusting you – I don’t even know who/what you are! Trusting you and all this ‘guidance’ has brought me nothing but grief and struggle. Maybe you are simply a trickster, out for your own gain and using me for your own purposes!”
    I am still mulling over that powerful paragraph in relation to the 15-year life-altering journey that I have been on with my herd. Now, this incredible poem put to music and movement!
    Hmmm, I so appreciate what gets stirred in me with your blogs. Most every time they take me deeper into my journey, alter my perception or give me practical information on how to care for my herd.

    The more I follow my curiosity into the world of the horse the deeper, more winding and mysterious the journey becomes. My musing on “trickster energy” will now be blended with
    “Undiscovered Power”.

    I so appreciate your raw and authentic shares.

    • January 13, 2020 at 12:13 am

      Thank you Joan and I’m so pleased that you are able to receive my postings in the energy they are intended. Yes, we are all One. Our journeys are interwoven, our stories and experiences are interwoven and as one horse listener once wrote, this is like us gathering round the fire and sharing.

      As I’m coming out the other side of what I shared in that post you referenced (Trickster Energy & Holistic Leadership) I’ve been REALLY seeing the value of chaos. And also seeing how trickster is a net positive action/energy. Would love to hear more about your own journey if you feel like sharing xo

  • January 12, 2020 at 5:06 am

    Amazing video Jini. It is an honour to continue to be a part of your journey and to love and learn what you do with your horses which in turn awakens emotions and thoughts within myself and my herd. Love love love. The music, the words, the power within each and in you. Rise sister for sure.

    • January 13, 2020 at 12:18 am

      Awesome! SO pleased that I was able to play my part in co-creating and delivering this experience. I love it too 🙂

  • January 12, 2020 at 8:05 am

    Just gorgeous! Authenticity flows and is so deep! The dancing is so uplifting! The horses and all their vastness…such a privilege to be apart of this LTYH family and have all the horses share life with us! Can you imagine a world where everyone is touched as deeply as most of us here? OH The learning that would be shared! Keep on sending the ripples SISTER …you are apart of the healing of this earth! ✌🏼❤️🐴🌳

    • January 13, 2020 at 12:17 am

      Thank you Michelle – we ALL are part of those ripples. Everything we talk about to others, the things we share on social media. Even you commenting here – helps this blog rank higher in search engines, which brings more people to this material, so you too are part of the horses’ giftings to the world. LOVE IT. And love your positive energy, that you ask the hard questions, that you continually search for answers, and that you’re part of this circle xox

  • January 14, 2020 at 7:19 am

    Jini, I keep trying to put into words, and then erasing them as inadequate how this poem touches me. Touches because it is ongoing. If I don’t reach out of myself into the chaos, Kaliah, of my life I would be totally lost. I’ve been brought low when mom died in a surgical suite during a routine diagnostic test. And yet, just before they took her away from me, she said, “I miss my mother.” to which I replied, “I’m going to miss my mother.” Truth, Heart to heart, eye to eye.
    Honest truth is what this brings if we stay with it. Understanding and acceptance at a mystical level, even when everything is completely shifted and loss is intense, or we are in some malstrom, we can allow the amazing repercussion/lesson of being.
    The day before yesterday, my son-in-law’s brother died. Following a 15 hour flight he ignored a pain in his leg. He said, “If I don’t feel better by tomorrow, then I’ll see a doctor.” He was not paying attention; there was no tomorrow; he died of a lung embolism. I am sooooo sad. The pain and mess and disaster….. however, oh, what a beautiful, powerful poem you share. I feel the fight, Jini, you and Kaliah have been having. Kaliah as the horse, Kaliah as a scary powerhouse force. She is such an excellent foil for you. Both so strong, both having what the other needs in this time and space. Both paying attention. It brings tears to my eyes and gives me hope.
    P.S. My Kaliah is a little golden dog, Willow, who tends to be ‘just a dog’ ’till she isn’t!

    • January 15, 2020 at 7:04 pm

      Claudia this brought me to tears. THANK YOU.

      Thank you for taking the time and effort to dig through your thoughts/emotions to express these powerful concepts. Namaste.

      This is really the crux of it: “reach out of myself into the chaos = understanding and acceptance at a mystical level”

      As you pointed out, it is so so hard – but somewhere within us, we know. As shown by your words to your mother – and her words to you – on the brink of the cliff of chaos.

      I question whether your son-in-law’s brother wasn’t paying attention, or whether it was simply his time. I know from my own experiences and an NDE (where you die briefly and come back) that if it ain’t your time… then it ain’t your time. His leg pain could easily have gone either way is all I’m saying. Maybe there is solace for you in opening to the possibility that this is part of his plan; not an ‘accident’.

      What you wrote here is what moved me to tears:

      “I feel the fight, Jini, you and Kaliah have been having. Kaliah as the horse, Kaliah as a scary powerhouse force. She is such an excellent foil for you. Both so strong, both having what the other needs in this time and space. Both paying attention.”

      THANK YOU for seeing. It is a very powerful experience to be SEEN. Again, namaste sister. xox


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