After doing four separate healing sessions with Cobra over his trauma with humans and brutal castration, the next message Cobra gave both Juliet and I was to stop projecting our paradigms onto him.
I was waiting for him to become soft and lovely again – the Uncle Cobra we know and love. And I figured that as long as he was being aggressive/directive and pushy, that it meant there was still more to clear. What he showed us was, “Hey, what if this IS the REAL me? What if that lovely, soft Cobra was the result of my trauma? But the real me is a bit harsh?”
You see, there’s those judgments again! We assume/judge that if someone is hard, or aggressive, or sharp, that it means they’re not whole, or ‘evolved’. And what Cobra’s saying is, “Dude! What if THIS is the real me??” We need to allow him to be whoever he is or wants to be, and accept him as is.
Kaliah is fierce (as is Xadaa) – would we ever ask them to be any other way? Of course not. Why would we?
Cobra challenges our assumptions and judgments about his healing process. Then I sit down with him to discuss how he feels about his name – especially after dozens of YouTube comments suggesting he get a new name. Again, he has some profound wisdom for us about what it means to really speak your truth…
If you missed PART 1 in this series, start here.
Or backtrack to PART 2
Jini Patel Thompson is a natural health writer and Lazer Tapping instructor. She began riding at age 2 in Kenya, and got her first horse at age 8 in Alberta, and so continues a life-long journey and love affair with these amazing creatures.
Isn’t that just the truth Cobra!
I feel so much resonance with this story – sort of like a ‘me to’ thing if I could be so bold as to say!
Thank you for sharing his wisdom Jini! We can never hear things like too much. Xxoo
Tamara! How are you?? How are things at the new cattle station? I’ve been wondering how the new venture is going for all of you…
And yes, all so very true! ❤️
Regarding his name…again so much judgement about snakes! Why is Cobra a bad thing! I have been on a 10 year journey to change my fear around snakes! I have asked them to not scare me if possible! The amazing thing is they have listened! They have presented themselves in plain sight over and over again…so I can process My fear and observe them! Snakes are actually really cool and so beneficial to Mother Earth!
On the subject of light and dark…My belief is how can we truly appreciate the light without the dark? If life is always fluffy and easy how can we learn gratitude? For me when life gets hard then harder then takes you to the dam why can’t something just be easy? It’s life’s way of saying your gratitude is waining and you need to check in with what is really important!
I believe strength and fierceness has always been my strength! I am not authentically the soft sweet gal! But animals and especially horses help balance me and bring that softer side! For me balance has been one of the mantras the horses have tried to help me with the most! They have tried to help me cope with humans (Which I can really struggle with especially the female humans) and not put all my energy into just animals! They understand this is my true self but also realize I am human and being able to relate to them is important and part of my healing! I use to think saying my truth was always ok regardless of how it affected others…because it was my truth! But I realize now just because something is my truth does not give me the right to hurt others! There is almost always a way to approach a situation without compromising who you are and with out hurting others…I think leading by example is what I have found to be the solution! Instead of trying to force my beliefs onto someone else…especially about animals! ✌🏼💚🐴
Thank you for sharing, so eloquently, I am so grateful for the Ltyh community. I so resonate with your comments today,sending love and compassion your way. Along with the beautiful way you have in writing, sharing these precious observations,heals those of us who struggle putting into words,in our experiences with the herd.A gift of connection.
Humbled and grateful. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
You’re so welcome Jorjana – and thank you for your lovely message. Yes, that is the challenge always – how to language these experiences that live outside the linear and logical! xo
Yes, exactly – funny how us humans’ stereotyping applies even to animals and colors! It’s interesting for me to see how much the horses enjoy people with soft, calm energy – people who are water or earth elements. And then there’s me, Ms. Fire! LOL So yeah, maybe it’s a bit harder with me, or it takes longer – and maybe I’ll never feel as calm or soothing as a water/earth person. But… I have other uses and talents 😉
It seems to me that we take horses out of the wild (because they are starving because of us or just because we want their homeland), fence them in, physically do things like geld them because we feel it has to be done, and then ‘train’ them. Most of the time this training cuts away parts of them; they are forced to shut down or shut away who they really are. I think your assessment that Cobra shut away parts of himself to fit into his new space is spot on. And we think, “Wow, how well behaved that horse has become!” Sure, we provide shelter and food so then what? Do we really have rights over them as a result of our domesticating them? but what happens if we decide to really listen. What happens if we really notice their facial expressions, or their nose push or a quarter inch raise in their neck and we back off? I believe they notice when we noticed. Give and take, take and receive, receive and let go. For me it means to become aware. Awareness brings surprises because what I thought I knew, I didn’t know. It brings in humility and requires an opening of the heart space. Then, I can deny that awareness or I can fall into acceptance. And I mean fall into an unknowable place; leaping off the old cliff and, surprise! finding out I had wings. Holy Smokes! But, that isn’t even enough….then I must take action if I want the old to fall away and I want to allow the new to be the truth for now, this moment. And that is what I think happened here.
I’m so glad that Cobra is finding the freedom to re-attach to some of the parts that were shut off because of what humans have done. It is so much broader and bigger than his personal trauma, though. His response to our listening is one example of a much bigger picture. I believe that true, open listening to horses (or dogs, or cats, or trees and plants or each other) is just the beginning of re-attaching ourselves to Wisdom. By doing so, we find we are indeed attached to all.
Just so BEAUTIFULLY said Claudia! Love every bit of it. I’m actually going to copy/paste your comment onto YouTube (not using your name of course) in response to someone on there, it’s so good!!
Aww, you can use my name. It amazes me that this message can go out into the world and maybe, just maybe someone will become aware and go down that wonderful path of awareness, acceptance and action. Be peace, sister, be peace!
I resonate with both Michelle and Claudia in their sharing. Having said that, I find myself thinking; OMG, is this an allegory?
I continue to question and feel frustration at peoples’-including individual(s) within your community-awareness for horses but, not for the same circumstances with people.
Sure, it is admirable and honourable to hold this awareness for horses/animals. Is it admirable/honourable to hold this space for horses/animals and yet, deny it for humans?
Like Cobra, I have this blocked energy that demands recognition.
Humans have this arrogant opinion that they can injure us and it is up to us to just accept it and make peace with it or, suffer.
Hi T – Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and feedback with us. I’m not sure why you’re assuming that myself and blog readers/commentators do not extend this same wisdom, insight, compassion to ALL creatures – including humans? Have you tried an equine-assisted therapy session yet? I strongly encourage you to do so, as it will give you a personal experience of how horses facilitate deep healing for humans. ALL their teachings, wisdom and visceral communication is directly applicable to humans and human relationships.
In my videos, sometimes I will articulate how the horse’s experience or healing directly applies to humans, but I feel it is more powerful to create a space for each human watching to take what they need from the experience. So when you’re watching the videos, I encourage you (via your intention) to open yourself up to receive whatever healing is there for you, at this time. You don’t need to think about it, just imagine yourself opening to receive whatever love/compassion is available. And for the Tapping video in Part 2 – actually tap along with Cobra’s session (change the words to make them applicable where needed) – why are you putting a barrier/delineation between yourself and other earthlings? It doesn’t need to be there. Holding space for you with much love. Honestly, this herd will help you if you allow them to and give yourself permission to receive from them.
Thank you, JIni.
I actually had a session on Saturday.
Possibly of interest: I changed my name years ago.
My observations are not about you nor most of your community; rather, other(s) in your community.
The barrier I struggle with was put there by others, not me.
Thank you for the reminder to use tapping.
All of our barriers were put there by others – unless we bring them in from past lives, but even then…
“The need to settle our unfinished business with the past is far more than just a psychological or emotional healing ritual; it is also a deep need of the soul that affects our ability to heal. Simply put, holding on to the bitter parts of your past – recent or distant – is like carrying credit card debt that incurs an ever-increasing interest rate.
You can’t heal, because you are still more in the past than in the present; in effect, the past is more emotionally and psychically real to you than the now…. From the broken heart comes a heart that can recognize and identify with the pain of others. A wound such as that must not be wasted or buried in self-pity, but brought into the light and examined, reflected upon, and used as a lens through which the lives of others are better understood. Such a choice liberates you from the gravity field of a wounded past, which can hold you hostage to unresolved memories and traumas for decades. The consciousness of present time allows you to keep your memories, but they can no longer hold you hostage, so they can no longer drain you of your energy, which inevitably drains you of your health.
The need to let others know you feel entitled to attention because of your pain and suffering is very seductive and releasing the entitlement of the suffering self is more a battle with the shadow of your own pride that it is with anyone else. None of this is easy, but neither is living in the past, which is the equivalent of living in a psychic cemetery where you confer with problematic corpses on a regular basis. To live in the present, the practice of forgiveness is essential. Without forgiveness, you remain anchored in your past, forever in emotional debt.
What you can do:
Here’s one simple method to help you stay in the present: Change your vocabulary. Specifically, give up the use of the following terms and all that they imply: blame, deserve, guilt, fair, fault. If you cut those five words from your vocabulary, both in your private thoughts and in your communication with others, you will notice almost immediately that it is far more difficult to fall into negative emotional patterns. You will also discover how habitual those patterns have become.”
VERY wise words from world-renowned medical intuitive, Caroline Myss. I highly recommend her audio course, The Science of Medical Intuition. Here’s the link to the article I quoted from above:
I just love your work ! Thank you for sharing.
You’re welcome Deb!