It took me forever, searching on YouTube, to figure out how to open my manure bin! I had texted the dumpster company and they told me to just ‘twist the handle’ – what??
If that wasn’t difficult enough, when I finally got the handle to move up and down (by unlocking the lever), the cogs weren’t catching and so the ratcheting mechanism didn’t work either!
And that’s why I shot this video – so that others will be able to get their manure bin or dumpster open right away, rather than waiting 4 days with manure piling up 😉
Jini Patel Thompson is a natural health writer and Lazer Tapping instructor. She began riding at age 2 in Kenya, and got her first horse at age 8 in Alberta, and so continues a life-long journey and love affair with these amazing creatures.
Hey Jini…just curious…in case circumstances change …what is a manure bin? Is this just for disposal or do they use it to compost? Never heard of a manure bin? I have always had the opportunity to spread manure and use for soil fertilizer or just to dispose of to become part of the land again! I clear (pick up poop) on about 4 of the 12 acres we live on …then use for garden and or spread on a sacrificial 1/2 acre and then tractor/break up a few times a year! In fact I skipped this garden step last year and the garden sucked compared to the year before…when I put the manure in that area for about 6 months prior…then tilled it in…so this year I am just about to start putting it in the garden area again as I have huge intention for the garden this year! Want to feed the horses way more Whole Foods this coming next year! This year we did spinach and a few types of lettuces and are still feeding them as they keep regenerating with the long Indian summer we had! Love the knowing the horses are getting organic nutrition from non synthetic minerals…Mother Nature is always best …IMO ✌🏼 ❤️🐴
ohmygosh Michelle, you simply must read Dirt To Soil by Gabe Brown. It will give you the primo roadmap for everything you’ve written above!
And yes, the bin is hauled off to a compost facility, then brought back empty. To compost in this climate, I would need 3-4 huge, concrete dumping bays. Plus a tractor to turn the piles with regularly and then spread once composted. Some may also need to be covered with a tarp, etc. Again, WORST climate for anything horse-related!